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“Fernand Léger” Exhibition, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg

outfitting of the “Fernand Léger” Exhibition, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg
(with G.Cavaglià)

The exhibition was hosted on the space reserved to temporary shows at the Kunstmuseum of Wolfsburg: a box-shaped structure was given a geometric layout, which was surmounted by an extensive roof that served to refract both natural and artificial light. Avoiding the outfitting division into separate interiors, modular partitions – unusually high compared with the dimensions of the “urban spaces” of the container – were arranged radially on the smooth and uniform floor. Painted to suit the materials and lightning color, allow the visitors to pass easily from a view of the whole to a detailed examination of the hundreds of works, displayed in a sequence decided by the curators. Laid on the floor, flat strips presented the didactic information spaced the visitors from the materials: “we removed the labels and inserted them in a sort of cordon-maker – explained Castilgioni – obtaining in this way a combined effect that allows the renounce of the price tag”. The path throw the exhibition led to raised deck, which gave access to the permanent collections; in a top view, the visitor discovers a singular form of communication, assigned to graphics: quotations inscribed on the upper edge of the partitions, even more visible from the catwalk. A display of drawings was mounted in the gallery, which provided a sheltered setting, more dimly illuminated, masking the general lighting with screens and using the ceiling as a refractor. At the entrance, under the deck, there was a space for projecting film clips.